CTC student Trisha Barton presented her interactive art installation, Eye Scream and facilitated discussions at the 2018 DiRP Conference. 

Artist Statement: 

This project focuses on raising mental health awareness in the Black community, delivered through an Afrofuturistic lens using the concept of phototherapy. Eye Scream is an art piece, and device, that takes the concept of light therapy and applies it to neopixels that react based on amplitude.  When you sing or talk to it, it lights up.  The lighting up follows the concept of displaying light to increase serotonin production, similar to how the Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) lamps work.  But unlike the SAD lamp, Eye Scream tiesinto black culture through its light responding to sound.  Since movement and discussion are some of the ways people in the black community cope with their ailments, Eye Scream encourages community discussion, talking and singing.

For more information, please visit: 
