Meeting The Moment: Creative Technologies Exhibition 2020 is a virtual exhibition showcasing the work of artists who push digital and emerging technologies beyond their functional capacity into the realm of the metaphor in order to tell the stories and put forth the images that are of relevance in the historical moment of today.
Featured artists work at the intersection of the arts, sciences, and humanities; and employ technology as a catalyst for artistic expression, storytelling, or communal exchange.
We invite emerging and established artists to submit proposals for the virtual exhibition by June 17, 2020.
The virtual exhibition took place in a simulated Macy Gallery, Teachers College, Columbia University. It was on display from June 22 - August 20, 2020. A Zoom Reception with a virtual gallery tour was held on July 24, 2020, 5 - 7 p.m.
Please go to the URL below to view the virtual exhibition: