CTC student Dylan Ryder is scheduled to present at Scratch Conference at MIT in summer 2018. 

See link below for more information regarding the conference: 


Dylan Ryder joined The School at Columbia in 2012 with more than 10 years of educational technology experience in the K-12 and higher education environments. His goal is to help students and faculty use technology safely, responsibly and creatively - with particular attention to hands-on problem solving, engineering, computer science and robotics. Prior to joining The School, Dylan taught technology skills with the US Peace Corps in the Pacific island nation of Samoa, and was later the Technology Coordinator at Stevens Cooperative School. Always pursuing innovative pedagogy, Dylan has published articles on teaching computer programming to young students and has delivered workshops on integrating computer science and engineering into K-12 education for ISTE, ASEE, and at schools and universities around the country.

For publications and workshop engagement of Dylan, please visit https://dylanmryder.wordpress.com/