NYC resistor recently added more free making classes and sessions. Please see their calendar for details:
What is NYC Resistor?
NYC Resistor – We Learn, Share, and Make things.
NYC Resistor is a hacker collective with a shared space located in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn. We meet regularly to share knowledge, hack on projects together, and build community. If you’re interested in joining NYC Resistor, come to some of our public meetings (like the study group listed below) or join the NYC Resistor mailing list.
We are not equipped to accept visitors outside of our public nights. Please come to the public nights or email us to set up an appointment.
Founding Members
Bre Pettis – Instigator with video trigger finger
George Shammas – Breaks things to fix them.
Zach Smith – Rapid-prototyper and self-replicater.
Eric Skiff – Gameboy musician and crowd control.
Nick Bilton – Hardware and Frontend/CSS Ninja
Dave Clausen – Micro-hacker and structural engineer.
Raphael Abrams – Artist and keeper of the servos.
Diana Eng – Softronics.
Pat Gallagher – RPRT.
Contributing Members
NYC Resistor has roughly 20 or 30 active members at any given time.
Contact us:
contact [at] nycresistor [dot] com
Microcontroller Mailing List
Are you interested in learning more about microcontrollers and making
cool projects, or just staying in contact with the NYCR community?
The NYC Resistor Microcontroller Mailing List is a great
place to meet others with the same interest in microcontroller projects
and sharing our knowledge!