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Introductory  video game development workshop + Lamboozled!

Introductory video game development workshop + Lamboozled!

TC Professor Paolo Blikstein from Communications, Media and Learning Technologies Design will host an intro-level workshop on Unity, a popular video-game development platform, in conjunction with the award-winning TC Lamboozled (Masclab) Media Literacy Research Team.

Wed, Feb 17, 10:30 am

Zoom link:

“Your background and skill set don’t matter: what counts is your drive to create!”

The WeeklyWeekly invites participants

The WeeklyWeekly is a co-working, co-making and co-learning space that meet weekly at the fabrication lab of Brooklyn Research, in Bushwick, Brooklyn. It uses weekly meeting as a format to encourage people from different background to keep experimenting with passion projects using the language of new media and creative technology.

For more info: please visit


In early 2018, The Weekly Weekly launched as an experiment to see if simply keeping pace with work, week-by-week, and sharing your progress was enough to keep you going. 

We learned that at monthly meetups, people could connect in person, get feedback towards their goals, and gather support where they needed, and got great support from Brooklyn Research and The Bosco for spaces.

We learned that by having a final goal of showing that work by years end, motivation changed from the experimenting weekly, to producing a final product that is ready for the world.

We produced a podcast to share your stories with the world, and learned how important great narrative serves to reach an audience beyond our community walls. 

Through this process, our work transformed from idea to reality, and our community grew. 

The lightbulb went!
This needs to be an INCUBATOR!!!
But... incubators have tons of money and resources, and we just have each other. 

Starting in 2019, The Weekly Weekly will focus our process as the “incuBETA”; a community driven beta project motivated to develop the processes and the resources to be a true, community driven art and tech incubator. 

Over the next year we’ll continue to produce the newsletter featuring your work and continue to host meetups where you can get the community support you need, but we’re setting a few extra goals. 

More events. We’re looking to give you more opportunities to show your work, and different kinds of work. 

More resources for your work. We’re going to be looking for grants and financial resources to make this process happen. 

We’re going to be more public. What good is this process if you can’t share it with the world? We’re going to push for more press around our events to get your work seen by the world. 

And we need you. We need you to believe that we can build a community driven incubator, that you can go from concept to reality with our help, and that you can help make it happen. 

If you believe in our community driven "incuBETA" please support us. 

2019 is going to be an exciting year, and the The Weekly Weekly “incuBETA” will be revolutionary. 
Please share this message with anyone you think would like to be part of the community, or who you think could contribute towards meeting our goals in 2019. 

Conference Datatata Open Call

For more info: please visit

Conference Datatata aims to discuss the wide range of questions about how the artistic practise is affected by contemporary phenomena of massive data collecting and data interpretation.

Conference will take place in Brno at the Faculty of Fine Arts at Brno University of Technology in April 12, 2019.

You are invited to submit mainly theoretical, but also practical works, artworks and/or interdisciplinary projects corresponding (but not limited to) the following conference topics:

  • Datatata – data from the perspective of the machine

    In this conference section focused on machine and non-human perspective, we can discuss, for example, who is the former of final decision while the decision is based on data collected and processed by the (digital) machine? Who are we while the data describe us as the discrete collections of parameters, history, and features?

  • Data + 2ta – data from the perspective of humans

    This conference section aims to discuss data issue from the human perspective and our ability to interpret data pre-processed and collected by the machine. Can humans be still able to understand and divide their interaction with machines while the first is a master of abstraction, simplification and modeling, and the latter is a master of description, complexity and exploration?

  • – data in art

    This conference section aims to discuss such authentic art production which is based on data. What issues are brought in the visual arts by data, and what forms and genres do they influence? What questions on understanding the relationship of big data and living reality are brought out by such art?

More informations about the topics and the conference are on the website:

Submit Your Conference paper to The selected papers will be published in the proceedings.

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline: March 1, 2019

  • Announcement of the conference program: March 15, 2019

  • Conference: April 12, 2019


  • Theme: Data in Art

  • Conference paper: max. 8 pages, the template can be downloaded here (MS Word)

  • Language: English

  • Contact:

Teachers College Eggplant Game Research Lab invite you to play and make games

Through an understanding of play, the CMLTD Games Research Lab seeks to gain knowledge of human cognition, collaboration, media effects, modern culture, creativity, improvisation and other factors within games that have implications for education. Faculty and students involved with the Games Research Lab have broad-ranging interests, and the lab has resources allowing the study of video games, traditional board and card games, role-playing games, games for teaching and learning, "serious" games, media literacy, the psychology of games, and related topics.

In addition to research, the lab (informally known as the EGGPLANT Lab, for Educational Games Group: Play, Language, Avatars, Narrative, and Technology) serves as an internal resource on games. The lab focuses on helping faculty and students discover the richness of game-based play, with a particular emphasis on introducing non-gamers to games beyond the mainstream.

As a part of Teachers College, Columbia University, the Games Research Lab was founded in Fall 2004 and is housed in the Program of Communication, Media and Learning Technologies Design. At present, students from CMLTD and other Departments (such as the Department of Human Development) are active users of the lab.

The Games Research Lab is open to Teachers College, Columbia University students and practicing researchers in the field. 


More info and open lab time:

Current selection of video and cardboard game you can play:

SFPC Code Societies call for students

Please visit this link for details:


About SFPC

The school for poetic computation is organized around exploring the creative and expressive nature of computational approaches to art and design. The school approaches writing code like creative writing — focusing on the mechanics of programming, the demystification of tools, and hacking the conventions of art-making with computation.

We value the craft necessary to realize an idea, recognizing that every writer needs space and time to hone their trade. Our school aims to provide a safe haven for you to get acquainted with the craft of coding at your own pace, make it your own, and investigate the space between creative process and craft. This takes conversations with colleagues and the right push at the right time.

The school aims to be more than a technical bootcamp. It is an opportunity to work intensively with a small group of students, faculty, and artists to explore questions about the poetics of computation. For us, computation is poetic when technology is used for critical thinking and aesthetic inquiry – a space where logic meets electricity (hardware), math meets language (software) and analytical thinking meets creative experimentation.

This is also a school for teaching. Every student who comes here will be asked to share their expertise with their classmates in the form of workshops and outreach.

The goal of the school is to promote completely strange, whimsical, and beautiful work – not the sorts of things useful for building a portfolio for finding a job, but the sort of things that will surprise and delight people and help you to keep creating without a job. However, employers tell us they appreciate this kind of work as well.

This is not a program to get a degree, there are large programs for that. This is not a program to go for vocational skills, there are programs for that. This is a program for self initiated learners who want to explore new possibilities. This is a program for thinkers in search of a community to realize greater dreams.

2018 Scratch Day looking for participants

2018 Scratch Day is looking for participants. Please visit the link below to find events near you.


What's Scratch? 

Scratch is a project of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. With Scratch, you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations — and share your creations with others in the online community. Scratch helps young people learn to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively — essential skills for life in the 21st century. Scratch is a project of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is provided free of charge. 


What's Scratch Day? 

Scratch Day is an offline community event that allows Scratch users to share knowledge and learning experience. 

NYC resistor offers more free crafts night, Arduino, CNC and knitting classes


NYC resistor recently added more free making classes and sessions. Please see their calendar for details:


What is NYC Resistor?

NYC Resistor – We Learn, Share, and Make things.

NYC Resistor is a hacker collective with a shared space located in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn. We meet regularly to share knowledge, hack on projects together, and build community. If you’re interested in joining NYC Resistor, come to some of our public meetings (like the study group listed below) or join the NYC Resistor mailing list.

We are not equipped to accept visitors outside of our public nights. Please come to the public nights or email us to set up an appointment.

Founding Members
Bre Pettis – Instigator with video trigger finger
George Shammas – Breaks things to fix them.
Zach Smith – Rapid-prototyper and self-replicater.
Eric Skiff – Gameboy musician and crowd control.
Nick Bilton – Hardware and Frontend/CSS Ninja
Dave Clausen – Micro-hacker and structural engineer.
Raphael Abrams – Artist and keeper of the servos.
Diana Eng – Softronics.
Pat Gallagher – RPRT.

Contributing Members
NYC Resistor has roughly 20 or 30 active members at any given time.

Contact us:
contact [at] nycresistor [dot] com

Microcontroller Mailing List
Are you interested in learning more about microcontrollers and making
cool projects, or just staying in contact with the NYCR community?
The NYC Resistor Microcontroller Mailing List is a great
place to meet others with the same interest in microcontroller projects
and sharing our knowledge!

Governer's Island Art Fair looking for projects

2018 Governors Island Art Fair

Deadline: May 28, 2018 Fee (USD): $45.00

Deadline: May 28, 2018 Fee (USD): $45.00 For more info visit

"The Art Fair for the 99%" -New York Times

See the GIAF video -

Exhibit your art, your way, for free - in New York's Largest Independent Exhibition: Governors Island Art Fair. At GIAF, each artist is free to self-curate a full room of their work in the historic buildings on this picturesque, almost surreal, former military base in the middle of New York Harbor.

Every weekend in September since 2008, 4heads has brought GIAF to Governors Island, just minutes from Manhattan and Brooklyn by scenic ferry ride. GIAF grants single exhibition rooms to individual artists from around the globe. Every year, more than 50,000 viewers visit this extensive exhibit housed in the landmark structures of New York's favorite island get-away. GIAF is organized, produced, promoted, and installed entirely by working artists and volunteers. Participating exhibitors in GIAF are responsible for transporting, installing, and de-installing their own work. Artists are welcomed to attend the event as much as possible in order to communicate with art lovers and collectors, and to take advantage of the valuable contacts and relationships that form over the course of this series of weekends. Attendance is by no means required, but artists who accept the invitation to be on site, gain the most out of the experience and meet many collectors, curators and journalists.

GIAF is housed in and around the grand officers' homes on Governors Island and is run with a hearty, DIY spirit and a strong sense of community. We ask our exhibitors to be resourceful, professional, self-sufficient, and well-versed in installing their own work - or finding someone who is. We are a stable, grass-roots, artist-run non-profit and we look forward to seeing you there.

In the case of unforeseen circumstances, 4heads reserves the right to change the dates, venue, and name of the event.

Announcing Art-A-Hack™ Special Edition 2018 open call

Announcing Art-A-Hack™ Special Edition 2018 

Art-A-Hack™ Special Edition 2018 is a themed collaborative creation between groups of artists/engineers, designers/makers, or whatever combination arises based on your project proposals. The two themes explored in this Special Edition are:

  • Climate Change: Data & Disinformation
  • Emotionally Intelligent Artificial Intelligence & Brain Computer Interfaces

Read the Open Call below for more detail on the themes and on the summer program we have lined up. Previous years of Art-A-Hack included inventions, installations, collaborations and performances — learn about previous projects here, or watch our summation video for inspiration.

Open Call

Here’s the deal: We are seeking coders, artists, scientists, makers and dreamers to form short-term teams that will meet over four Saturdays between June 9 and July 7 (with a break for the July 4th holiday), and a final presentation at CUNY City Tech in downtown Brooklyn on July 13th.
We will provide space, equipment, facilitation and advice, and a stellar showcase opportunity at the amazing City Tech theater. During four weekends we will co-create on site at ThoughtWorks, Floor 15, 99 Madison Ave between E. 29 and E. 30th Street, New York 10016. There will be a pre-event social on June 7.


How to apply

To apply, fill out the application now for this special dual themed Art-A-Hack. Please consider how your application might support or lead in one of our two themes, outlined below.

Describe a project idea you want to try, the technologies you’d like to get into, and/or the skills you have to contribute to an already existing project. If you are an artist and do not have tech skills, that is OK. Conversely, if you are a programmer and don’t have any compelling ideas, that is OK as well.

If you have any special equipment you would like to contribute, we welcome you to tell us. When we receive your applications, we will match you up with others to help you achieve your ambitions.

Each year we group people together around the most compelling proposals. This means your specific idea may not be selected, in which case we will try to find you a team and a project which matches your skills and interests. This is an ad-hoc process, and we can’t always match everybody to teams, but we work hard to create aligned teams and have had great results from this process in the past.


Themed Areas

1) Climate Change: Data & Disinformation

How can data make climate change less abstract? Scientists warn that drastic and immediate action is necessary to avoid catastrophe. Studies show that most people support bold climate action, but don’t place it as high on their list as near-term concerns, like jobs, healthcare and schooling. This themed area of Art-A-Hack™ Special Edition is tasked with exploring how climate data and its representations can move from abstraction to urgency.

2) Emotionally Intelligent Artificial Intelligence and Brain Computer Interfaces

Emotionally Intelligent Artificial Intelligence like IBM Watson and Google APIs are primarily text based. Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) deploy EEG signal readings to assess different brainwave states. This themed area of Art-A-Hack™ Special Edition is tasked with exploring the relationship of these two seemingly disparate systems to make the biophysical interact with the algorithmic.

Dates for your calendar

Here’s a list of scheduled dates to mark off in your calendars. Please make sure if you are going to apply that you are available for all of the listed dates!

  • May 8 (midnight)— Deadline for applications
  • June 7 (6pm-9pm)— Pre-event Social
  • June 9 (10am-6pm)— Co-creation Day 1
  • June 16 (10am-6pm)— Co-creation Day 2
  • June 23 (10am-6pm)— Co-creation Day 3
  • July 7 (10am-6pm)— Co-creation Day 4
  • July 13 (6pm-10pm)— Presentation at City Tech, 300 Jay Street, Brooklyn


Equipment available

Note: More is potentially available on request.

Virtual Reality

  • Oculus Rifts (Development and Consumer versions)
  • Full HTC Vive setup
  • Powerful VR computers with Unity3D

Video & 3D Video

  • GoPro-based 3D video rig
  • GoPros RGBDToolkit (for Xtion, Kinect 1)
  • DepthKit (for Kinect 2)
  • Webcams

Brain-Computer Interface

  • Muse Headset
  • Emotiv EPOC+ with EEG data
  • OpenBCI

Body Interface

  • Leap Motion
  • Kinect 1, Kinect 2
  • Myo Armband
  • Intel SR-300 RealSense Camera
  • More on request


  • A drone!


  • Raspberry Pi 1, 2, 3 & variants
  • LittleBits Arduino (LilyPad, Uno, etc)
  • BeagleBone Studio with soldering facilities
  • Various shields, sensors, actuators, components (we can order more if required)

Presentation Facilities

  • Projectors
  • Touchscreen monitor
  • PA/Sound system

This is just a partial list, and we will be adding more equipment before the start of Art-A-Hack.